At Translation Cooperative, we are committed to actively contributing to the social economy ecosystem.

It is one thing to establish a cooperative, but it is quite another to sustain it. The Translation Cooperative has been able to realize growth in the midst of fierce competition because it is not alone. 

A mentor to the Translation Cooperative is the iCoop Consumers Cooperative, which has provided valuable advice from the beginning. Cooperatives and community organizers in Seodaemun-Gu district readily embraced our idea of an “International Village Forum,” and decided to join us in organizinge and to serve as sponsors for the forum. Numerous cooperatives, local governments, NGOs and NPOs trusted us with valuable opportunities. In this supportive environment, the Translation Cooperative has not only been able to sustain itself, but has also successfully diversified both its area of business and its client base. 

We believe that our recognition by the Seoul Metropolitan Government as an “Excellent Social Economy Enterprise” demonstrates the power of cooperation. The Translation Cooperative – an active beneficiary and contributor to the social economy ecosystem. Look to us for, quality interpreting and translation services you can depend on.

● Translation Cooperative is a member of

       Seodaemun-Gu Cooperative Council, Seoul regional cooperative Association and Little 

       Mondragon, Korea Federation of Worker Cooperatives

● Cooperatives in the Seodaemun-Gu district

       PlusCoop, Village Hill Social Cooperative, Grassroot Feminine Group Neomeoseo (Beyond

       it), iCoop Consumers Cooperative's Seodaemun&Mapo&Eunpyeong branch, 

       Parents Group for True Education's Seoul-west branch, Cooperative Platform Cafe Yiwoot


● Translation Cooperative’s Mentor

       iCoop Consumers Cooperative 

Translation Cooperative

318-14, Unit 201, Seongsan-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03716, ROK

T. +82-2-388-0003

F. +82-2-338-0043

M. +82-10-9090-3355

